William Levy se face rau

Posted On 22:34 by Devoratorul de TV |

Am descoperit inca o stire despre William Levy, despre care v-am spus ca are un PR minunat care nu trece o zi fara sa dea o barfa senzationala. De data aceasta se spune despre Levy ca isi va realiza visul de a juca altceva decat a facut pana acum. Presa mexican scrie ca actorul ar putea sa joace un rol de ticalos din posibil remake al "Cuna de Lobos". Salvador Mejía ar fi trebuit sa lucreze la aceasta telenovela insa a ales sa lucreze pentru noul "Corazón Salvaje". Iar pe Cuna de Lobos" a decis sa o faca in viitorul apropiat. Sau ar putea prelua proiectul un alt producător...
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20 Response to 'William Levy se face rau'
  1. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1273922887325#c6137147613026472901'> 15 mai 2010 la 14:28

    nu-i sta bine brunet lui wiliam levy


  2. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1274013674120#c7070516808397468715'> 16 mai 2010 la 15:41

    Ii sta foarte bine oricum ...


  3. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1274103566323#c3865225533790714534'> 17 mai 2010 la 16:39

    ce bunaciune de baiat.....:X:X:X:X:X


  4. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1274108651666#c7294278225737668580'> 17 mai 2010 la 18:04

    mancaia`s botu:X:X>:D<:*


  5. maria jose
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1274194770732#c7723509255380059206'> 18 mai 2010 la 17:59

    mancaia`s botu:X:X>:D<:*


  6. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1274251239978#c5891168309917358454'> 19 mai 2010 la 09:40

    sunt inebunita dupa tine esti super frumos si un actor super tare te amo


  7. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1274356826067#c2421963911605650997'> 20 mai 2010 la 15:00

    esti super,barbat adevarat te pup dulce....


  8. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1274777860964#c6933024827893222050'> 25 mai 2010 la 11:57

    esti cel mai dragut actor...


  9. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1274957078058#c3184962827086220007'> 27 mai 2010 la 13:44

    esti o scumpete de barbat


  10. raluqtza
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1275130624301#c4611154777566552743'> 29 mai 2010 la 13:57

    te amo eres mi vida... te iubeeeescccc mult tare ejti the best eres hermoso


  11. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1275422761416#c7348257890782656459'> 1 iunie 2010 la 23:06

    o bunaciune de barbat


  12. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1275485271690#c7779161908100498404'> 2 iunie 2010 la 16:27

    cel mai frumos barbat din lume:X:Xil iubesc:D


  13. alexa
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1275585326573#c9029254525605635458'> 3 iunie 2010 la 20:15

    o scumpete de barbat


  14. andruta
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1277276991831#c2131535741710867023'> 23 iunie 2010 la 10:09

    cel mai frumos actor sh skumpik


  15. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1279827289688#c5084458720929435920'> 22 iulie 2010 la 22:34

    Cel mai frumos barbat.imi doresc sa am langa mine un frumos ca tine.


  16. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1280616541414#c6742081668603192980'> 1 august 2010 la 01:49

    esti cel mai frumos dintre toti te iubesc


  17. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1280914336289#c737321723875256325'> 4 august 2010 la 12:32

    ce frunos esti si ce buze ai..........:-)


  18. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1282050962066#c5168822872386574050'> 17 august 2010 la 16:16

    foarte frumos


  19. Anonim
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1282131341321#c2601584549760144643'> 18 august 2010 la 14:35

    cel mai frumos actor si cel mai bunoc:*:*:*:*X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X


  20. DORI
    https://gossip-tv.blogspot.com/2009/11/william-levy-se-face-rau.html?showComment=1282738591445#c520048225148455378'> 25 august 2010 la 15:16



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